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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The 7 Things We Were Taught in School That Are No Longer Useful

The 7 Things We Were Taught in School That Are No Longer Useful

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Education is a huge part of our lives, shaping what we know from a young age. However, not everything we learn in school remains relevant as time goes on. 

Looking back, some lessons seem less useful now. Here are the things we were taught that might not matter as much today.

Reciting the names of all state capitals

Do you remember those long hours spent memorizing the capitals of all 36 states in Nigeria? It might have been impressive in a geography quiz, but how often do we need to recall that Abeokuta is the capital of Ogun State in our daily lives? 

With smartphones and quick online searches, knowing the state capitals isn’t as crucial anymore.

The Quadratic Equation

We spent a lot of time learning how to solve quadratic equations in algebra. However, outside of specialized fields in math or science, many people don’t use this formula in their daily lives. With simpler math tools and digital calculators, the quadratic formula isn’t as necessary for most people.

Memorizing lists of historical dates

Sure, knowing the year Nigeria gained independence (1960) is important, but memorizing every historical date from the fall of the Roman Empire to the Nigerian Civil War might not be as useful. 

Instead of focusing on dates, understanding the big picture and the impact of historical events can be more valuable.

Shakespearean books

Shakespeare’s plays are celebrated as great literature, but the complex language can be difficult to understand. While appreciating classic literature is important, mastering Old English might not be necessary for everyone. In modern life, we rarely need to quote Shakespeare to succeed.

Learning a Language you’ll never use

Many schools teach foreign languages like French or German. While these languages are valuable, if you’re not planning to travel to France or Germany or work in a field where these languages are essential, memorizing verb conjugations might not be the best use of your time. Learning practical skills, like computer coding or basic car maintenance, might be more useful.

Memorizing the periodic table

Chemistry classes often required memorizing the entire Periodic Table of Elements. While understanding elements is crucial for scientists, most of us won’t need to recall the names of elements daily. Today, this information is readily available online, making memorization less relevant.

Drawing and labeling diagrams

Remember those lessons where we had to draw and label diagrams of insects, plants, and other things? While these activities were great for learning the basics of biology and understanding how things work, they might not be as useful in everyday life. 

With modern technology and digital resources, we can now access detailed diagrams and information online without having to sketch and label everything ourselves. This hands-on activity was valuable for learning at the time, but today, it’s less relevant compared to the wide range of digital tools available.

These lessons might not be as relevant today, but they play a role in our education and development. The key is to keep learning and growing, adapting to new skills and knowledge that are practical for our lives now.

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