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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The 7 Drugs Destroying The Life Of Youths

The 7 Drugs Destroying The Life Of  Youths

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More young men and women are turning to drugs, and it’s become an epidemic that is destroying people all over the world including Nigerian youths. Day and night, they are seen at every corner, consuming all kinds of substances to get intoxicated, fueling a generation of addicts. The damage caused by drug addiction is devastating, not just to individuals, but to the country’s economy and social fabric.

The health dangers are real, with effects ranging from hallucinations, severe nausea, seizures, and memory loss, to more severe issues like kidney damage, mental psychosis, and schizophrenia. 

These drugs come in various forms—liquids, solids, and blends—luring more people daily, from students to artisans, deep into addiction.

Behind the wheel, intoxicated drivers, particularly at motor parks, risk the lives of countless Nigerians. And while the influence of foreign media and weak parental structures play a role, it’s clear that frustration, joblessness, and hopelessness push many into this trap.

Without intervention, we risk waking up to a society overrun by the consequences of drug addiction. Here are some of the top drugs youths take.


Often used as a painkiller for severe pain, Tramadol has become a commonly abused drug among Nigerian youths. It produces feelings of euphoria, drowsiness, and relaxation, making it dangerously appealing. The misuse of Tramadol can lead to severe side effects, including seizures, respiratory depression, and addiction.

Long-term abuse of damages the brain’s ability to regulate mood and emotion, causing deep-rooted psychological problems. What makes it worse is its easy availability, often being sold without a prescription in many places, fueling its rampant abuse.

2. Colorado

This drug is not a mere leaf; it’s a chemically altered nightmare. Often marketed as a safe alternative to marijuana, Colorado is far from it. Its unpredictable effects can range from intense hallucinations to violent outbursts, and long-term use leads to cognitive impairment that could derail a youth’s future. 

The ease of access and low cost have made it popular among teenagers and young adults, making it a public health crisis in disguise.

3. Ice (Crystal Methamphetamine)

The name might sound cool, but its effects are anything but. Ice supercharges the brain, creating an intense euphoria that can make users feel invincible. However, the crash is severe—depression, fatigue, and a profound craving that often leads to a dangerous cycle of binge usage to stave off withdrawal. Long-term effects include severe dental decay, skin sores, and irreversible damage to the heart and brain.

4. Cocaine

A drug that has been glamorized in various media, but the reality is far grimmer. Cocaine stimulates high levels of dopamine, initially bringing about extreme happiness, energy, and alertness. However, the body soon craves this ‘high’, leading to increased use and higher doses as tolerance builds. This escalation can cause heart attacks, strokes, and mental health issues like anxiety and paranoia.

5. Codeine

Often overlooked because it’s available through prescription, codeine misuse is rampant. When sipped in high doses, especially mixed with soft drinks or alcohol, it creates a sedative effect that deeply relaxes the user. But this relaxation can slip into respiratory depression, which can be fatal. Beyond the immediate risks, prolonged use leads to major liver damage and addiction.

6. Heroin

Cheap and potent, heroin promises an escape but delivers devastation. It binds rapidly to opioid receptors in the brain, relieving pain and increasing feelings of pleasure. However, these effects are short-lived, demanding more frequent and higher doses. Overdose is a constant risk, particularly with street heroin, which may be mixed with more dangerous substances like fentanyl.

7. Nicotine

 While legal, nicotine is no less aggressive in its addiction cycle. It’s often the first drug young Nigerians experiment with, in the form of cigarettes or vape pens. Nicotine alters brain chemistry, leading to addiction, and primes the brain for other substances. The health implications are broad, impacting cardiovascular health and increasing the risk of various cancers.

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